
I dont want to put a bunch of paragraphs on my website so this *should* be the only one :3

Alright! so, my name is Vinn (you can call me Cozmic since its my online name), I'm pretty new to coding so this may be a little shi- I MEAN BAD! heh.. anyway... Im an artist (kinda, my art isnt good) so feel free to check out the art section!.

Alright now some kinda..? important stuff, I dont feel like typing sentances so it'll be in bullets lol

  • I have adhd & autism
  • Sometimes I can be a little slow so be patient!
  • I get upset pretty easily at stuff sometimes so if I say something and later say I was mad, please forgive me D:
  • I often copy peoples speach patterns after a while, this is a thing I notice recently idk
  • My spelling is BAD so sorry if you can't tell what Im saying!
  • Anyway, thats basically it for this page! feel free to look at my other ones
